Glass Replacement Quote

There is one item that we spend most of our money on and that is without a doubt our homes. Homes are not just buildings but places where we socialise, raise our families and generally spend most of our free time in when not slaving away at work. All homes need repairs, maintenance and renovation at one time or another.  There is nothing wrong with looking round for a good deal when any maintenance needs to be done and this is also true if you are looking for a replacement glass quote when a window breaks or you are just looking for a new design.

quote for broken windowManufacturing has gotten to the point that many people replace window glass panes simply because they can and not simply because of a stray ball that broke the window.  Having the option of tinted glass, frosted glass, resin glass and tons of other designs means more and more people are having this type of work done which also means that more and more companies are offering this service or trade.

Although everyone wants a quote that is competitive, the saying, “what you pay for is what you get” holds true to a certain extent as well. No all companies that promise exemplary service and cost a fortune will provide that promised exemplary service and there are a number of other things to consider when looking for quotes:

  • How long has the company been in business?-Many, many companies start up and then quickly fail due to mismanagement as well as shoddy workmanship. Hiring a company that is new can be risky as if there are problems in the future and the company has folded there in nothing that you can do.

  • Type of business-It is not that common today to still find a company that is family run. Throughout history a strong family has always been successful and when it comes to pride of workmanship, business ethics and reliability companies that are run by the family tend to trump those that are not.

  • Testimonials and referrals- Most companies have testimonials and referrals from people, private and company, however if ever asked for contact details to actually contact these people, the excuses start. Only look for a company that can actually provide real testimonials.

  • Government regulations and certification-Any trade in Australia will need to provide certain certificates when completing work and only up to date, qualified professionals that adhere to the latest government regulations will be able to provide these.

Yes is can be quite daunting looking through the yellow pages or endless results in Google search when looking for a replacement glass quote and trying to weed out the good from the bad if you take into account the criteria you should look for. Fortunately if you are here looking for a quote, Magic Glass have all these criteria as a business as well as a real 24/7 emergency service if you need one.